How to Search Username Across All Social Media Platforms

Over the time you've created quite a few profiles on different services and, chances are, you used the same username for all of them.  ( hopefully not the same password – never use the same password everywhere. Use a password director like KeePass or Bitwarden ).

It's definitely a good idea to audit your username(due south) and delete those profiles if you lot're not using them anymore. And to brand your job easier, you can hunt downward your username(s) beyond a vast list of services using Sherlock.

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Annotation: this tutorial shows you how to employ sherlock on macOS. Nonetheless, since sherlock is a python script and python is cantankerous-platform, you lot should be able to utilize information technology on any OS or computer you might take.

1. Get-go things first. Make sure you have the latest version of python installed on your Mac. At the time of this writing the latest version is 3.7.4. To check your version open up upwardly a concluding and type python3 –version

1.1 If you have an older version the easiest way to update is via Homebrew ( click on homebrew to acquire how to install and use it ). One time Homebrew is installed, updating python is at easy every bit typing mash install python3

2. Now that python is installed and up to date, let'southward install sherlock.

2.1 In the terminal you lot will type git clone 'path_to_clone' – where 'path_to_clone' is where yous want sherlock to be saved on your computer. In my case is /GitHub/sherlock/ ( clone it wherever you desire. it'southward your choice )

ii.2. Now alter the working directory to sherlock by typing cd /path/to/sherlock_clone – where /path/to/sherlock_clone is wherever you've cloned sherlock on your estimator.

2.3 Install sherlock requirements by typing python3 -k pip install -r requirements.txt ( in my case requirements are already satisfied )

Annotation: if something fails, make sure you have python3 and python3-pip installed.

3. Now that y'all have sherlock installed and prepare to go information technology's time to search. Sherlock supports 177 services and yous can check the full list here.

While in sherlock directory, you lot can type python3 your-username. To demonstrate how it works, I'll apply Elon Musk as an case. I know that his Twitter username is @elonmusk, so the command will be python3 elonmusk

3.1 Sherlock will go through each of the 177 services and look if there's an account with the same username and it will display the outcome. How to read the issue? Well y'all tin scroll through what it'due south existence shown in the terminal window or if you use the ls command yous will notice that at that place's a new elonmusk.txt file inside the sherlock folder. The text file contains a listing of all the services that have a profile for the searched username.

3.ii You have to options:  you can either browse in your file manager of choice ( on macOS it should be Finder ) to the sherlock binder and open up the username.txt file  OR in the terminal use nano username.txt.

This is the basic of using sherlock. Only, you can also use it through Tor, load information from a JSON file, search for multiple usernames at the same fourth dimension, build the image and run information technology as a Docker container etc.

To larn more about how to utilise sherlock, check out the official project folio on GitHub.

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