Skills to Write on Resume for Social Media

"Every immature person with a Snapchat account considers themselves a social media manager these days." -Reddit And you know what? They are right.

Whatsoever other task posting gets 200+ resumes on average, and that's a lot. Merely SMM job is another kind of fauna.

The entry bulwark is so low that sometimes your social media director resume competes with thousands of others.

Fright not. Not all of them read this guide, and even fewer of them took time to update their resume.

This social media manager resume guide will teach you:

  • How to land more and improve interviews with your social media manager resume
  • How to stand up out from thousands of SMM applicants without looking fake
  • How to present your various experience and win over recruiters at the same time
  • Why choosing the right resume layout for your experience is vital for the best resume results

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How to Write Social Media Managing director Resume That Gets More Interviews

  • Put your SMM skills and business outcomes in the same context.

Social Media Managers who accomplished business results through their work are the 24K gold of marketing.

Anyone can mail on Pinterest or schedule weekly tweets in Buffer. But share how your Pinterest knowledge landed new signups for a local tire concern and yous're in the acme one% of the agglomeration. Bad example: I use Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook to grow the concern community Good instance: Launched a Pinterest "Tire or Tired" campaign that landed 320 new inquiries for a local tire business and increased monthly revenue past 170%.

  • Feature skills that put y'all above and beyond the competition.

Increased social media date. Configured Facebook ad campaign. Wrote an onboarding newsletter. A hiring manager will encounter something similar that in every second SMM resume.

How about user behavior studies, audience psychological evaluation, real-time date data visualization? Prove yous take these skills via context and you're golden.

Bad case: Used Buffer, Twitter Managing director, Pinterest to launch social media campaigns

Expert instance: Developed existent-fourth dimension dashboards to track date and brand mentions during viral SMM campaigns, helping the outbound sales department to increase conversions past 15%.

  • Use resume format and layout to guide the recruiter's attention to your best bits

Make your resume scannable by combining headers and custom sections. Utilize white space and color to straight recruiters' attention. Use bold text to emphasize your results.

If you've been working every bit a social media managing director for years, a classic reverse-chronological resume works all-time. Your work feel should be forepart and middle, every bit it's going to bear witness yous've got what it takes.

On the other hand, if you're similar many applicants and your social media feel has come from lots of formal and informal work over time, a hybrid resume might be better. This is when you emphasize your skills while as well including your work experience.

Either style, one truism applies:


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Your social media manager resume needs to testify that you can save time, abound revenue, and increment engagement for clients or your employer.

These are the sections we observe are about effective for showing social media management experience and skills:

The top social media manager resume sections

  • An objective or summary
  • Social media work experience
  • Relevant skills
  • Certifications
  • Education
  • Something to show personality like "nearly proud of"

Social Media Managing director Resume Header: Don't Miss These Details

Equally a social media manager, you're expected to be meticulous. Those 100 flawless posts don't mean very much if the 101st has an embarrassing error in information technology.

That's why your resume should be flawless, starting with the header.

Put simply, you lot need your proper name, contact information (phone and a professional person electronic mail), and location (the city is plenty) as a baseline. But a groovy header also has websites that show your social media skills and certifications.

In other words, earlier the hiring director fifty-fifty gets past the header, they can already see that you're confident and qualified.

Correct there you have two resume headers from the aforementioned person, simply each 1 leaves a very dissimilar impression.

Learn more about crafting an interview-winning resume header department from our Perfecting Your Resume Header guide.

Social Media Manager Summary: How to Establish Expertise In Two Sentences

If your social media management experience is spread out through many different jobs, nonwork experience, etc. a quick objective or summary can help tie it together.

Likewise, you need to show that y'all can write well and a compelling professional summary or resume objective is an ideal place to do that on a resume.

Here are 2 examples to illustrate how to exercise it well and poorly:

5+ years of social media management experience focused largely on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Practiced at studying and understanding brands from both a marketing and business perspective, resulting in the ability to work with footling demand for direct management. Successfully grown engaged subscriber bases by an average of 12.5% per month and translated that growth into 15% average revenue increases for both B2B and B2C clients.


This summary focuses on hitting the pain points nigh people hiring a social media director have. Information technology specifically mentions saving them time (past working independently), increasing engagement, and boosting revenue. Throughout, it avoids "I" statements and uses specifics when possible.

At present compare that to another version:

I'one thousand an experienced social media manager familiar with all platforms and many different business types. I tin grow followers by upwardly to 10k per calendar month every bit I have done this for several clients before.


This summary commits several cardinal sins of social media management. First, information technology promises to increment subscribers by a specific amount without mentioning engagement (usually a red flag for fake accounts). Next, information technology'due south vague most where the applicant's actual skills lay.

To most hiring managers, this reads as "pay me and I'll build yous a fake audition".

Need more than summary templates? Here'due south our Resume Summary Guide with 30+ ready-to-utilise summary examples.

Social Media Director Resume Experience: Getting Hired Via Business Storytelling

In a discussion on how to get hired as a freelance social media director, one experienced professional put it this way:

Be set to show how you've congenital big and more importantly, engaged followings… they need a reason to pick you over the thousands of others… The barrier for entry is very low, and so you accept to be able to show that yous truly are an expert with experience and results.

That's the goal of your work experience department: show you've gotten results so the hiring manager has a reason to hire you. Figure out what the needs of that person and the company in general are and frame your feel around showing you can run into those needs.

Beneath are two examples describing the same exact piece of work feel, look at what a difference the framing makes:

Social Media Manager Marketing Masters Ltd.

Atlanta, GA

Increased incoming quality B2B leads by 40% in 6 months by engaging in LinkedIn, Reddit, and Facebook groups.

Used Buffer, Zapier, and Trello to automate effectually sixty% of the day-to-twenty-four hour period social media posting while non sacrificing quality.

Learned photoshop to create custom banners and other images for use in campaigns, resulting in a 15% boost in date.


Those iii bullets tell you lot that this person:

  • Brings revenue
  • Saves time
  • Is cocky-motivated enough to acquire new skills and develop new more efficient processes

In other words, in iii short bullets, this candidate has shown that they can check all of the major boxes most hiring managers accept for a social media manager.

Now look at that same person with the same feel but phrased differently:

Social Media Director Marketing Masters Ltd.

Atlanta, GA

Increased B2B leads past engaging more on social media platforms.

Automated normal daily posting activities.

Used photoshop to create custom images.


This ane falls flat, information technology doesn't definitely evidence a single i of those three disquisitional points mentioned higher up. They "increased leads" only by how much? They automatic activities, but to what end? They used photoshop, just what does that tell us about them?

Social Media Manager Resume Teaching: Exercise You Need This Section?

There'southward no BA in Social Media Direction out there, so a college degree ordinarily isn't a prerequisite. A hiring manager is far more concerned with your proven experience than education.

Still, if y'all accept a related degree in something like marketing, communications, or business management, information technology'south worth mentioning. If you graduated recently, include some details near what you learned or achieved during your instruction. Otherwise, simply listing the school, dates, and degree is sufficient.

Social Media Manager Skills Section: What Skills Land Job Interviews

The best skills to include are always going to exist the ones requested in the task offering.

Nevertheless, not all skills are equal. One social media managing director put it this style:

If you only want to hire i person, make it a good, engaging writer and railroad train them to practise everything else. Anybody can schedule posts, etc., simply a lot of people can't write their mode out of a newspaper bag, let alone capture a brand'southward tone and personality consistently.

A social media manager on Reddit

Skills that can't be learned quickly are more valuable. You should also endeavor to demonstrate that you take those skills as much as possible. Anyone can say they're a good writer or are well organized, giving examples is going to make that skill stand out.

Wherever you lot listing your skills, try and include examples of instances when y'all demonstrated those skills.

Hither are xviii social media direction skills you should consider including:

eleven Soft skills to include on a social media director resume

  • Community direction (online community content development, social listening, customer service)
  • Communication (working with team members from different departments, due east.g. graphic designers, vendors, senior management, marketing managers, and web content developers)
  • Organization (project direction skills) - Strategic planning (diverse use of unlike social media platforms, social media tools, and social media channels)
  • Creativity (ability to create high-performing social media content and engage )
  • Niched social media strategies
  • Crisis management
  • Writing (engaging content creation, SEO optimization, promotions, social content, contests, and publishing for different social platforms)
  • Curiosity
  • Independence
  • Assay (ability to work with analytics tools, and monitor the right metrics)

8 Technical (hard) skills to include on a social media manager resume

  • Google analytics
  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • LinkedIn ads
  • Email marketing
  • Photoshop
  • Buffer
  • Zapier

Social Media Managing director Certifications: Which One to Include?

If yous accept merely one or ii relevant certifications, you can simply include them in your header (as was demonstrated above). However, if you lot have more information technology makes sense to create a defended certification section for them.

While certifications generally aren't a requirement, they are a great way to concretely demonstrate skills in a particular area. If a job requires, for example, extensive work on LinkedIn merely you don't take experience there, certification is as well a groovy style to quickly build up a basic skill level.

The top 5 certifications for your social media manager resume

  • Hootsuite's Social Marketing Training
  • Twitter Flight School's Marketing Leadership Grade
  • LinkedIn Learning's Social Media Marketing Courses
  • Kick Camp Digital'south Social Media Certification
  • Google Analytics Academy

Creative Social Media Manager Resume Examples And Templates


  • Stand out in the context of your job. Creativity is a common trait these days. Anyone tin use Canva or picket a couple of motivational Youtube videos and call themselves artistic. How did you employ creativity in your task? Did yous launch a viral social media campaign? Did you lot increase Twitter date using the new bulletin format? Show how y'all used your creativity in achieving business results — that's the best style to stand out from the crowd.
  • Feature skills that put yous above the crowd. Skills like visual psychology, design for millennials, and SMM automation grab the recruiter'southward attention. But don't stop in that location. Once again, evidence that you have these skills past showcasing context and tangible results. Use custom sections to make these skills popular out.

Entry-level Social Media Manager Examples And Resume Templates


  • Show them the money. Anyone, except your closest relatives [foreign, correct], tin ready up a Twitter or Facebook account. But people who tin use SMM skills to bring business money are in a league of their own. So don't even consider bragging virtually completing 14-solar day SMM courses. Go and help some local businesses to launch a Facebook campaign. Apply for Fiverr gigs. Find some clients for your uncle'due south blossom business organization through Instagram. Weave real business organisation outcomes into a resume, utilize bold text and action verbs to emphasize these results, and get that job you're after.
  • Put your skills in a existent-globe context. Listing skills is not having skills. But listing skills in a context is a different story. And so you're saying you have first-class communication skills? Ugh. But sharing how you talked your manner into a prestigious internship or sold all local theatre tickets 2 days before the premiere — that carries some weight.

Senior Social Media Director Examples And Resume Templates


  • Employ a targeted resume. There aren't that many senior social media managers jobs there, and companies looking to make full these know EXACTLY who they want to see in this position.

Tailor your resume to the specific job clarification. Emphasize required experience and nigh relevant results. Written report visitor social media, websites, PR, and blogs to learn how they execute their marketing. Written report their employees' LinkedIn profiles and learn what results they are virtually proud of. Find ways to organically frame your experience to the job and y'all'll increase chances of successful awarding tenfold.

  • Feel working with cross-functional teams. The stakes in large companies are always loftier — a tweet gone wrong becomes a PR nightmare for weeks. You'll be working with market researchers, developers, business analysts, and creatives every twenty-four hours to ensure your campaigns are both bulletproof and spectacular. That's why companies that hire senior SMM need someone who can work within a cross-functional team and manage it for results. Combine your squad results with solo achievements to create firm traction with recruiters.

In short, what makes a social media managing director resume work?

To get hired every bit a social media director, you lot demand to:

  • Show you lot tin can save fourth dimension past automating work and existence efficient
  • Demonstrate that yous can build engaged social communities, not just wastelands of fake accounts
  • Show that yous tin can interpret social media success into revenue (or whichever ultimate metric is most important for that organization)
  • Make it clear that you're independent, set to try new platforms and software when needed, develop new skills, and generally operate without someone looking over your shoulder all the time

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Volen Vulkov

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Authored by Volen

Volen Vulkov

Volen Vulkov is a resume practiced and the co-founder of Enhancv. He applies his deep knowledge and feel to write almost career change, development, and how to stand out in the job awarding procedure.

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